The first contents page im going to look at is from vibe magazine which is a magazine dedicated to urban music such as rnb. This page contains a features column which is to tell you about the inside of the magazine and what to expect. This is layed out down the right hand side of the page. The contents page also contains a picture of kanye west who has been printed in black and white to fit in with the colour scheme of this magazine. However a bright red rose, being squeezed, by an arm coming from behind him, is the only colour on this page. You could say that it represents the centre of the page as it is directly in the middle and catches the eye when this page is first viewed. The title of this page is 'contents'. It is at the top of the page in big bold letters but more to the right to show that it is not the most important part of this page although it is still eye catching. The text size used on this page ranges from very small to very large. The features columns infomation is quite small so that the titles such as 'features', which is slightly bigger, stand out more on the page.

This next contents page comes from Kerrang magazine which is aimed people who listen to rock music. We can interpret this from the images seen on the contents page to the left. This page contains alot more text and pictures than the first magazine because it is alot crazier than other magazines. The pictures in this magazine represent articles that are talked about and the text does the same but is not shown in picture form. The layout of this page is quite basic text is around the edge of the page and images are in the middle. Some images are bigger than others to show how important each of the images are. The colour scheme of this contents page is mostly black, yellow and white due to those being colours that I think represent rock the most. The text on this page is bold so it is easy to read and is eye catching. The headings on this page are bigger than the other text on this page because the headings are more important than the text as they catch the readers eye better than a paragraph of words.

The final contents page I am going to look at is from NME (New Musical Express) magazine which looks more towards the punk and indie side of rock. In this magazine there is more text than images meaning that this magazine has alot to say and talk about. The big picture, that is set in the centre of the page, represents the main article of this issue as it is the main eye catcher. The layout is very simple one main image in the centre and lots of text around the edge of the page mostly set in columns. There are only three colours used on this page black, white and red. Bold and contrasting text is used in this magazine to make the text appeal to the readers and so they can easily find what they are looking for. The title of this page goes directly across the top of the page saying 'NME' to advertise the magazine and 'This Week' so the reader knows where to look if they want to find something in the magazine.
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