Wednesday, 8 December 2010
In this double page spread,by NME, it is easy to find the title of the article as it is the band's name: The Teenagers. The blue colour represents the important parts of this article and also represents that article is boy based. However there is a black column on this page which shows that it is something totally different to the main article on this page because the backgound to the main article is white and black contrasts that. This page also contains a picture of the band so the reader knows who they are being told about. Text in this varies from both large and small. The detail of this article is quite small whereas titles and statements are larger to make them more eye catching.
In this next double page spread, by Mojo magazine, the title is not the first thing you notice because instead of being at the top of the page it is down the side. This shows that the magazine is different to other magazines. The black and white colour scheme shows that ,although this magazine is different, it is quite safisticated. The image on this page takes up half of the page because it shows the importance of this person in this article and shows the reader who they are talking about. The text in this magazine also varies because things like 'Sebastian King' are big and bold to show the importance of it but the detail and text is small to make the title more eye catching.
Sunday, 28 November 2010

The final contents page I am going to look at is from NME (New Musical Express) magazine which looks more towards the punk and indie side of rock. In this magazine there is more text than images meaning that this magazine has alot to say and talk about. The big picture, that is set in the centre of the page, represents the main article of this issue as it is the main eye catcher. The layout is very simple one main image in the centre and lots of text around the edge of the page mostly set in columns. There are only three colours used on this page black, white and red. Bold and contrasting text is used in this magazine to make the text appeal to the readers and so they can easily find what they are looking for. The title of this page goes directly across the top of the page saying 'NME' to advertise the magazine and 'This Week' so the reader knows where to look if they want to find something in the magazine.
Ross Horner How do magazine front covers use denotation and connotation to attract their intended audience?
For this assignment I have chosen to use the front cover of the Empire magazine because I think that it is an interesting magazine that I would like to read in the future.
The cover has many different lines on it, which help to advertise what the magazine contains. Lines such as ‘Bale: the first interview’ and ‘Onset for mankind’s new judgement day’ help to do this. The line that sells the magazine its self is ‘The worlds biggest movie magazine’.
The image on the front cover is Christian Bale who plays John Conner (the main character) in the film Terminator Salvation. Also in this image is a large robot that looks very dangerous and evil. Bale looks like he is a serious man who has seen a lot of action through out his life. The robot being on the front cover seems to me that it is what Bale must fight during this movie as the robot has been assigned to kill him. I can tell this from the robot grabbing Bale’s face in the image.
The text size of the magazine cover varies from both large and small. Words such as Empire are large because the editors would like to publish their magazine however phrases such as ‘two massive posters are smaller as they are slightly less important.
I believe that the font used by the magazine is Arial black due to the font being bold and straightforward. Choosing this font makes the writing clear so it is easier for the reader.
The main title of the page is large and bold at the top of the page because it gives the magazine a strong title for people to recognize. The sub heading (Terminator salvation) is in the bottom right hand corner as if it is a caption to the main image which covers most of the magazine. Going across the bottom of the page is a bar with three pictures of previous films and a small title saying ‘huge 25-year celebration!’
Thursday, 18 November 2010
My questionnaire
In this questionnaire you must Circle the one that applies to you.
1.What is your gender?
Male Female
2. What age are you?
10 - 15 26 - 30
16 - 20 31 - 35
21 - 25 36 +
3. What music magazine do you prefer?
Kerrang NME If other please list:
Q Mojo …………………………
Vibe Other
4.What genre of music do you prefer?
Indie Classical If other please list:
Hip Hop Jazz …………………………
RnB Other
5. What do you do during the week?
School/College Work
University Nothing
6. What is your favourite hobby?
Video Games Listening to music Other
Reading Working If other please list:
Watching Television Going out …………………………
7. What is your favourite website?
Youtube BBC iplayer If other please list:
Facebook Sports website …………………………
Twitter Other
Do you wish to remain anonymous: Yes/No
If no please fill in any of the spaces below
Address :…………………………………………………………………………….
Phone number:………………….
Mobile number:………………..
E-mail address:………………..
Signature:………………… Date: …………………
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